There are a couple minor errors in the data companion (mythril sword has +2 MA, not parrying sword; elf mantle is 24/24). The teambuilder is correct if there is a conflict between the two. The teambuilder will allow you to save a .yml file to send to me as your team entry, or you can wait until it has the "output save data" button and send that to me instead. As of this moment, team colors are not yet implemented, so you'll have to include your first choice and your second choice in your entry DM (The colors are 1-8: Blue, Red, Green, White, Purple, Yellow, Brown, Black) as well as a team name. These will probably be integrated into the team builder over the next few days, so you can wait or not, as you prefer. We already have 8 entries to the event, so there's definitely interest there.
Link: Final Fantasy Colosseum Team Builder