- Complete overhaul of Nu Toma's upgrade system. Toma offers upgrades tailored to each PC, making choices more compelling and build identities more distinct.
- Toma moved into his own room at the End of Time since his rewards have gotten more complex and needed their own space.
- Attacks and Techs will now execute twice under various circumstances. Only Magic-type damaging Techs are eligible to be doubled. Combo Techs will not double.
- Regen status implemented. Some of your healing Techs can be upgraded to additionally set Regen status.
- Lock will properly lock enemies out of using Techs, the same as it does for PCs.
- Re-designed Magus's Tech "Dark Mist" to be a draining attack named "Vamp".
- Mechanical overhaul of Hit and Evade. The new system applies only to Physical-type attacks (Magic-type attacks never miss). The new system uses "subtractive Hit" according to the formula:
- Attack Miss % = (Evade stat - Hit stat) %
- If the defender's Evade is good (50) and the attacker's Hit is low (5), the attack will miss 45% of the time. As in the original game, various status effects can affect the Miss rate.
- Battle timers for Poison, HP Down, and Regen now scale with Battle Speed. Zoomers that set Battle Speed 1 will get a more comparable battle experience from status effects.
- Setting Regen status removes HP Down status and vice versa.
- Tech handling re-written to allow healing spells to additionally set a status. Technical changes to allow healing spells to apply Regen meant that I also had to make changes to Status Recovery, Status Impact, and Transfer HP Tech handling.
- Ayla's Fist no longer upgrades with her Level. Toma will offer her an Iron Fist.
- A new Drain damage formula based on attacker HP and not target HP allows for PCs to Drain in battle without dealing unreasonably large damage against bosses.
- Added a 10 second break before fighting Lavos after the Zeal -> M. Machine -> Zeal sequence.
- Behind-the-scenes re-organizing of hacky stuff for future me.
- Prism Specs no longer gives a 50% damage bonus. Now adds 50% chance to double an Attack or Tech, adding together with any bonus from Toma.
- Silver Stud and Gold Stud changes reverted to vanilla behaviour. Silver Stud again cuts MP use by 1/2, Gold Stud again cuts MP use by 3/4.
- Bugfix for the hack that removes ATB penalties from combination Techs.
- Changes to many PC/enemy Techs to e.g. standardize "Always Hits" flags and status application rates.