- Repurposed the Auction House in Jidoor as an "Advanced" Beginner's School
- Completely rewrote enemy AI with a heavy focus on more predictable behavior in random encounters that should be easier to exploit and more interesting/dynamic boss battles
- Lowered the HP of many enemies and several bosses who were deemed to have more than necessary
- Added a minimum number of steps between battles, slightly lowering the overall rate
- Increased the pace of combat by doubling ATB fill speed during "empty" downtime
- Running from battle is no longer substantially more difficult than in vanilla
- Non-standard random encounters (back/side/pincer attacks) are more likely, but your party is now able to react faster to them and physical damage is no longer increased from behind
- The "Defend" and "Row" commands now only consume half of a turn
- Can now swap out weapons/shields in combat, but it costs half a turn per hand
- When swapping equipment in battle or leaving the "rage" status, only previously-inherent statuses are now stripped (instead of all of them); maximum HP/MP (from equipment) is now also updated
- Green Cherries will now cancel any action that the target has queued
- Greatly improved how the game handles resistance to multi-elemental attacks
- Mug no longer ignores special weapon effects, but the attack will now miss if steal fails
- Allies at non-critical HP can now only be covered when they are in the back row
- The "rflect" status now behaves like "image" instead of being on a timer
- Updated the "Status Display" hack to include "cycling" auras and be more intuitive
- Status-setting attacks now provide more feedback if that status attempt fails
- White/Black/Grey magic will now display their "dot" when used in battle
- Can now toggle between "max HP" and "ATB" view in battle by holding Select
- Shops can now display the "full" stats of of equipment prior to purchase
- The Rage and Dance menus now display the attacks of each rage/dance
- Combined the equip and relic menus into one screen (includes full item descriptions)
- Replaced "Relic" in the main menu screen with a shortcut to the party overview screen
- Redesigned the status display screen and clarified certain terms
- Redesigned the "Earth" and "Dark" (AKA "Poison") icons in extended equipment descriptions
- Removed the unique item counter at the bottom right of the info panel in the inventory screen as it was taking up space and sometimes causing text overlap
- Characters who join later in the WoR are now re-averaged to higher levels
- Lowered character HP/MP growth at high levels
- Tweaked the base stats for several characters, most notably buffs to all of Gau's attack stats
- Edited the Vigor/Stamina damage variance reduction formula to have a better effect at higher values
- Updated the Regen formula to rely more heavily on a character's stamina than on their maximum HP
- Reverted the formula for poison damage to vanilla settings for player characters while enemies now take substantially more damage from it
- Simplified how evasion works for magical attacks; rather than a hitrate, the Printme now just lists the relevant evasion stat (stamina or m.evade) for attacks that can be avoided
- Changed who learns which spells (and when) again, mostly the grey ones
- Swapped the locations of Crusader and Alexandr with the latter now behind a cash gate instead of the former's old boss gate; also swapped their users, EL/equip bonuses, and moved Demi/Quartr to Crusader
- Raised Zoneseek's EL bonus to Magic +1/MP +20 (MP was only +15 before)
- Swapped the equip bonuses on Carbunkl (now Auto-Regen) and Starlet (now +25% MP)
- Adjusted the MP costs of many spells, summons, and lores - notably, there is now a much bigger price gap between the two water lores and Blow Fish no longer has an MP cost
- Bad Breath no longer sets Sap (Blaze and Raze still do)
- Blaze is now fire/wind elemental (was just fire)
- Raze is weaker (power: 90 -> 75) and now fire/wind elemental (was fire/"dark"; see below)
- Re-branded the "poison" element as "dark" and reworked its line of spells to be more useful
- Per the above, Merton is now a fire/"dark" spell (instead of fire/wind)
- Break and Quake are both slightly (exactly 1/9 each) stronger, but also more expensive (see above)
- Mute is no longer multi-target, but is more effective than before due to resistance being much less common and enemies using spells more frequently
- Scan is now a free action and can no longer trigger enemy counter-attacks
- Edited several esper summons, notably buffs to Maduin and Bismark and Stray now revives allies
- Major changes to Blitz: stamina options are stronger, but only physical blitzes now ignore defense
- Several Bushido changes: stamina(ish) options are weaker and only Dispatch/Dragon now ignore defense
- Made changes to (or that affect) most Rages, including giving Gau a better healing rage (Soldier) right out of the gate and balancing end-game physical damage around 3x damage bonuses instead of 4x
- Edited several Dance steps (most of which are also Rage attacks)
- Changed the 3/16 step on Earth Blues to Wind Slash (was Cave In)
- Rebalanced the main winning Slot spins: Blackjack is still the strongest against most foes, Solitaire is now the weakest since it also blinds your opponents, and Trifecta (3 chocobos) is your sap-setter
- The 7-7-7 Slot spin now both revives fallen allies AND heals live ones, but its power is now slightly lower (10 -> 7) than a losing spin
- Raised the power of all vigor-based Tools
- The Bio Blaster is no longer for sale until after the Battle of Narshe (see below)
- The Flash is weaker (power: 75 -> 60) as the Blind status is now more effective
- The upgraded Autocrossbow now has perfect accuracy (in addition to being 50% stronger)
- Set Ninja Stars to maximum ultimate power (were previously 240)
- ??? is now slightly weaker on average, but now ignores defense
- Desperation attacks no longer set Slow (they still set Sap)
- Elixirs now remove most bad statuses (as a Remedy would)
- Edited the wares of most shops, pushing back the availability of some items, making others available sooner, and (most notably) fixing instances of items becoming unavailable at certain points
- Renamed several pieces of equipment; also swapped the names of the Dali and Monet Brushes
- Removed several pieces of equipment
- Reworked the stat boosts on elemental blades and shields to all provide magic bonuses
- The Scimitar and Falchion now enable counter-attacks to encourage pairing them with other weapons
- The Demonsbane no longer deals Holy damage so that it doesn't beat out the Avenger vs. undead foes
- Slightly lowered the attack of (-5) and Vigor boost on (-2) the Valiance
- The earlier claws are now available sooner and the later ones are stronger
- Changed the random spellcasts on the Spirit Claw (Stop -> Slow) and Frostgore (Doom -> Ice)
- Overhauled the "magical" katanas: stat boosts are now +Spd/+Stam (stamina is now the "common" stat on all katanas), the Ichimonji(/Nodachi) is improved, and the "wind" blade attacks are now stamina-based
- Reworked the stat boosts on Shadow's ninja daggers to compliment the above-mentioned katana changes
- Added the "strong vs. flying foes" property to the Kunai and Ninjato
- The Kusarigama has been reworked into a Zozo-era anti-human ninja weapon that can also set Stop/Slow
- Overhauled Setzer's "casino" weapons: removed all stat boosts, "always hits" (except from Dice), and the ability to dual-wield darts in favor of making them better weapons
- Rods are more expensive (especially the Doomstick) and only the basic elemental ones can be broken
- Larger rods (Quartrstaff and higher) now all possess physical evasion only
- Lowered the attack on the Punisher (180 -> 150) as it was too strong when dragooning
- Added a new Colosseum-exclusive weapon for Strago/Relm that's basically a one-handed Mutsunokami
- Brushes now hit twice to increase the likelihood of random spellcasts (lowered attack to compensate for the extra "damage"); also added magic evasion (10) to all brushes and reworked their stat boosts
- The Ross Brush now randomly casts Rflect (instead of Haste)
- The Magic Bone (a formerly hidden/theft-exclusive weapon for Gau) can now be won at the Colosseum
- The Morning Star is stronger (attack: 100 -> 125) and is now usable only by Celes and Terra
- The Chainsaw now "cleaves" on insta-kill procs, thus preventing counter-attacks
- Anti-undead weapons now use the "X-kill" animation (which also prevents counter-attacks)
- Adjusted the prices of a lot of store-bought armor: the Light Robe and many early-game upgrades are all cheaper, while a few key items (namely the Oath Veil) are more expensive
- Slightly adjusted the stats of several helmets and suits of armor, most notably a +10 magic defense increase for the Magus Hat/Circlet and +5 to physical defense for all "heavy" armor from Gold onward
- Relm now comes equipped with the Memento Ring (it's no longer hidden)
- Strago no longer comes equipped with a Magus Hat
- The Royal Jacket no longer blocks fire damage
- Removed the +25% MP buff from the Minerva and added it to the Radiant Gown
- Bandanas and the Mirage Vest can now be equipped by anyone (instead of just "light" armor users)
- Umaro can now equip the Skull Cap (it's the only helmet he can use)
- Gogo can no longer wear robes (he must wear hides or vests)
- The Hero Shield now sets inherent sap (instead of condemned) until the curse is lifted
- A certain piece of hidden armor has slightly less defense (-5/-5), but now halves Bolt/Wind damage
- Reworked the coverage of status protection relics; most notably, the Ribbon now only blocks instant death (it is now the only relic to do so), Stop, and Pertrify
- Relics which grant statuses at critical health can now trigger again if the wearer dies
- It is no longer impossible to revive a character who dies while wearing a Ghost Ring
- Raised the physical evasion of the Sprint Shoes and the magic evasion of the Magic Cube
- Lowered the defense of the Guard Ring and added magic defense; did the opposite for the Wall Ring
- Removed both evasion boosts from the Back Guard and raised both defense stats to 20 (from 10)
- Removed +7 Magic bonus from the Gem Box and the +7 Vigor boost from the Soul Box
- Added stat boosts to the Storm Belt (+5 Spd) and Blizzard Orb (+5 Stam); also modified their in-game descriptions to be less cryptic about what they do (specifically their +25% damage properties)
- Altered the wording of all +25% damage bonuses to clarify that they affect both damage AND healing
- Changed/moved the contents of many chests, including adding the Dice to a WoR chest (so that they are no longer missable) as well as the Viper Darts (formerly a Colosseum-exclusive)
- Changed several enemy steals; bosses now hold (common) theft-exclusive items instead of rare items
- Changed many trades at the Colosseum and replaced the more obnoxious opponents with easier ones
- Modified the enemy encounter structure to make certain foes less difficult to find on the Veldt; all missable (WoB) formations can now be found on Triangle Island and the Grenade Forest (near the Veldt)
- The "Leap" command is now disabled if all rages in an enemy formation are already known
- Changed the names of many enemies and their special attacks; also edited their attack animations to to make them more closely match what they're supposed to be
- Removed or changed many enemy elemental resistances/weaknesses that felt unintuitive or made no sense
- Overhauled enemy status resistances: only the "major" ones (Sleep, Muddle, Bserk, Stop, Petrify, and instant death) are now commonly resisted while the others are (almost) universally effective
- Improved standardization of enemy stats, namely defense (both types), evasion, and speed
- Reworked enemy/boss MP values: fewer enemies have MP at all, but those who do now use it frequently (see "Mute" notes above) and may behave differently if they lose too much of it
- Re-tuned experience and GP drops to be more fitting with the enemies that drop them; most notably, bosses now award experience - and consequently a good deal of esper xp, to boot
- Made a small improvement to the option to disable experience gains from battle
- Changed how fallen allies are replaced between tiers in the final battle
- Characters in MagiTek armor now attack with Tek Laser instead of elemental beams
- Heal Force now revives dead allies in addition to restoring HP to live ones
- Added an "unequip" NPC to the scenario select screen
- Shadow is now cheaper to hire in Kohlingen (3,000 GP -> 1,000)
- Made quality of life changes to several dungeons
- Battles in the Narshe mines (WoB) now maintain the area's BGM
- "Searching For Friends" now only plays when you are aboard the Falcon
- Shortened the unnecessarily lengthy Aero/Mutsunokami animation
- Phunbaba should no longer sometimes remove only one character from your party
- N. Cross can now only freeze a maximum of two characters
- Mind Blast now respects stamina, but gets an extra attack (4 -> 5) to compensate
- Lifeshaver now respects the "float" status and is no longer reflectable
- Glare and Blow Fish are now physical attacks and thus respect the "clear" status
- The "clear" status is no longer removed if the target absorbs a spell with Runic or by ground-based attacks missing floating targets
- The "clear" status is now properly lifted by spells cast from rods used as items in battle
- The "Morph" and "Imp" statuses no longer affect (non-fractional) healing items
- Items are no longer consumed in battle if the user dies or is disabled before they go off
- Brushes and healing items now properly re-target if the intended target dies
- X-Fight now re-targets if the first attack kills the original target, can now properly yield critical hits, and no longer bypasses "cover"
- Jump no longer disables (most) special weapon effects (most notably the Atma Weapon) and dual-wield setups now attack only with the primary weapon instead of randomly selecting one
- Fixed several issues with Palidor's behavior, making it much better to use
- Interceptor and Golem now always use the correct animation when activated, which corrects the lowered odds of late-game Interceptor counters and Golem's artificially enhanced durability
- Terra can no longer Morph while imped and is now immune to imp once Morphed
- Gogo no longer does 50% more damage than intended with physical Bushidos when dual-wielding
- Setzer's dice no longer receive a damage boost from the Bserk status
- Flare (from the Apocalypse) now correctly receives the Morph damage boost
- X-Zone no longer revives/heals undead enemies when it's cast by the Doomstick
- Multi-target attacks which respect stamina now correctly check each target individually
- Enemy "special" attacks that inflict sleep no longer miss on targets with death immunity
- Abilities with "one ally" targeting are no longer unable to randomly target (via Rage or enemy AI) teammates on the opposite end of the field during side or pincer attacks
- Inherent statuses now initialize properly on characters who are dead at the beginning of the battle and on enemies who are not present
- Updated Assassin's "Optimize Fix" hack to leave slots with no valid equipment empty
- Fixed several RNG errors, most notably a random encounter spike during the Vector escape
- Fixed several other minor bugs and dialogue issues
- Added a Spanish translation and an optional "vanilla" dialogue patch
- Added a "New Game+" patch to the Unlockme
- Added new alternate sprite patches to the Unlockme
- Added screenshots to the Unlockme image gallery and updated existing ones
- Added higher-resolution sprites and SNES Mini/Switch art to the Unlockme image gallery
- Updated the (main) BNW logo in the Unlockme image gallery to the modern design
- Added a damage calculator/bestiary to the BNWCP
- Redesigned the Printme, now distributed as a .pdf file
- Re-bundled LIPS (ROM patching utility) with the Brave New World download